Many restaurants offer specials for free food or discounts for the special day for one of their guests. It's more than just singing Happy Birthday, but can be free desserts, meals or discounts. While we can provide ou with some information, we're more than happy to refer you to clearinghouses of such information.
Finding great ways to decorate and theme your party can be difficult. We're happy to refer you to a variety of places where you can get things without breaking the bank. This page has some information and links to pages with a bunch of different options for you to choose from.
Getting gifts for your friends or family can become an expensive proposition. This is both in terms of time and money. You can spend hours looking for the right gift. We've put together some resources that might prove useful. The idea is to give you a variety of conventional options as well as a few less conventional choices that can be made.
While we provided this site as a resource for our clients, others may see this site and want to learn about our improv comedy, game shows and murder mysteries that we provide to entertain at birthday parties. This includes what these options are, how they might differ for various age groups and some creative choices that might be made.